Sunday, April 5, 2009

my feeling before study week....

Assalammualaikum. Now I want to share my feeling about my study. I just have one week before study week. I am very scared because after this I have final exam and I must do the best for my final exam. I want get good result and increase my CGPA.

I almost finish do test for all subject and I so sad because I not do all the best. I so scare about my mark for the subject. For subject QMT, I don’t get good mark for test one and I will do for test two. The question for test two is so uneasy and all my friend say like that because the question difficult to understand but I try do although the question uneasy. I hope I can do the entire question for final exam.

Besides that, for subject business communication, I not have test but I have meeting and do the report. I will do all the assignment and the assignment I do by group. For the meeting, I do by group and my group members are Sal, Nik, Ernie, Ain, Zierah and Azie. For the first meeting, I cannot talk very well because I feel so shy and I don’t get point to talk. At first meeting, my friend always angry to me and all my group members because we all not have point to talk. For me, she not can do it to me and all my friend because we are not practices anything. For the second meeting, I do the best and I so happy because I can talk.

For the subject mandarin, I not have final exam but I have test speaking, test listening, writing and quiz. Besides that, I have final project and I do sketch by group. All the assignment I will do. I get good mark for all quizzes. I like my lecturer very much because his is a good lecturer and caring person. Now, I want talk about subject Eco. I feel so scared for this subject because I don’t want repeat again. I must try all the best and study hard for get good result.

Another subject I take is Bel, this subject I have a final exam. Besides that, I do first draft and I get not good result. I so sad but Sir Izuan give me change, his want me do the first draft by the pair and we all so happy because we can try do the best and get good mark. I hope I and my partner can do the best. For the subject CTU, I will do presentation. Besides that, I have quiz and test but CTU just have one test. For test one, it can do at Wednesday morning but I not finish study for this subject. I must do the best for this test and get good mark. You all want know something, we all cannot look any paper when doing our presentation so we all must memorize all the point. I am so tired to memorize all the point.

That all for this time, this sem I feel so tired and stress because many assignment final project. I am feel thankful because I can finish all the assignment although many problem to do it all the assignment.


inuoe said...

jangan ketawa banyak-banyak nanti tercekak kang...susah nak tolong kang,jangan marah,hehe...

Bonbon Chaud said...

Ima,i know sometimes I maybe have said something that could make you feel hurt,but I'm here to say "I'm sorry,my dear",0-0 okey?

Izuan said...

Well, all of you did badly in the first draft because 1) you did not pay attention or 2) you did not dare to ask me.

Anyway, all the best for the final draft and the final exam.